
P62 Patient-centered care in hemoglobinopathies

BJH - 2018, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2018

A. Devos , P. Maes MD, H. Daenens , K. Saevels MD, A. Van De Velde MD, PhD

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P75 Implementation of Releasing Time to Care – the Productive Hematology Ward

BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017

E. Boon , H. Bolckmans , K. Bal , S. Slootmans , A. Van De Velde MD, PhD, A. Devos

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P1.02 Hypercalcemia and osteolytic bone lesions in adult B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia: a rare but potentially life-threatening presentation

BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016

N.C. Granacher MD, L. Rutsaert MD, Z. Berneman MD, PhD, W. Schroyens MD, PhD, L. Lammertijn , A. Van De Velde MD, PhD, A. Verlinden MD, PhD, A. Gadisseur MD, PhD

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P3.12 Devised performance as a tool for public engagement in acute haematological cancers

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2015

A. Mermikides , M. Mermikides , A. Tanczos , R. Seymour , A. Kirkham , C. Lofthouse , A. Nasrat , E. Weitkamp , A. Van De Velde MD, PhD

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P2.06 Cost Analysis of Immunotherapy Using Dendritic Cells for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2015

A. Van De Velde MD, PhD, S. Anguille MD, PhD, P. Beutels , S. Dom , I. Cornille , G. Nijs , F. van Tendeloo , E.L. Smits , A. Verlinden MD, PhD, A.P. Gadisseur , W.A. Schroyens , Z.N. Berneman MD, PhD

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Systemic capillary leak syndrome as a prodrome of extranodal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma

BJH - volume 5, issue 4, december 2014

B. Hodossy MD, I. Vrelust MD, S. Anguille MD, PhD, V. Van Marck MD, PhD, M. Maes PhD, PharmD, K. Vermeulen PhD, A. Van De Velde MD, PhD, A. Gadisseur MD, PhD, W. Schroyens MD, PhD, Z. Berneman MD, PhD


We present the case of a 58-year-old male patient with a long-standing, intermittent oedema of the lower extremities and significant spontaneous variations in haematocrit values. Repeated examinations failed to reveal a clear etiology until the patient suffered from a severely painful exacerbation of leg oedema and hypotension. Laboratory analysis showed hypoalbuminemia. The combination of oedema, hypotension, hypoalbuminemia and hemoconcentration was indicative of a systemic capillary leak syndrome. This condition is known to be associated with monoclonal gammopathy, as was the case in our patient. New investigations showed suspicious lesions in the nasopharynx, scrotum and breast. Biopsies of this breast mass as well as bone marrow biopsy showed the presence of an extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type. Polychemotherapy was administered according to the SMILE schedule leading to a remission after two cycles. The patient then underwent autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The patient is currently without signs of systemic capillary leak syndrome. This report illustrates that systemic capillary leak syndrome may occur as a prodrome of haematological malignancies, such as natural killer/T-cell lymphoma and documents that it is responsive to chemotherapy.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2014;5(4):148–53)

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P2.18 Responding patients show durable responses to bendamustine in double refractory multiple myeloma patients

BJH - volume 5, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2014

J. Caers MD, PhD, M.C. Vekemans MD, I. Vande Broek MD, PhD, V. Maertens MD, P.H. Mineur , G. Bries MD, PhD, E. Vandeneste , G. Vanstraelen , K. Beel MD, PhD, F. Leleu , H. Demuynck MD, C. Scheurmans , A. Van De Velde MD, PhD, W. Schroyens MD, PhD, K.L. Wu MD, PhD, N. Meuleman MD, PhD, R. Schots MD, PhD, M. Delforge MD, PhD, C. Doyen MD

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