
Severe neutropenia in an infant after treatment with infliximab during pregnancy

BJH - volume 10, issue 7, november 2019

M. Verstraeten MD, C. Verbeke MD, B. De Moerloose MD, PhD


We describe a 7-month-old girl with severe neutropenia born to a mother treated for ulcerative colitis with infliximab until the 24th week of pregnancy. Despite the recommendation of using Tumour Necrosis Factor inhibitors (TNFi) only in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, significant levels of TNFi in offspring are possible. Hence, drug-induced neutropenia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of infants with severe neutropenia if these were exposed to TNFi in utero. Moreover, additional information is given on the risk of infection and dysfunctional immune development in these new-borns.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2019;10(7):285–9)

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