BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017
X. Poiré MD, PhD, C. Graux MD, PhD, A. Ory , J. Jamart , F. Frédéric , H. Schoemans MD, PhD, P. Lewalle MD, PhD, A. De Becker MD, D. Deeren MD, Z. Berneman MD, PhD, T. Kerre MD, PhD, P. Zachée MD, PhD, D. Selleslag MD, Y. Beguin MD, PhD
BJH - volume 8, issue 1, february 2017
D. Selleslag MD
This ASH 2016 report will focus on the diagnostic and prognostic utility of molecular abnormalities and on new treatment modalities in MDS. We selected 7 abstracts dealing with these topics.
(BELG J HEMATOL 2017;8(1):34–7)
Read moreBJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016
S. Servais MD, PhD, D. Selleslag MD, J. Maertens MD, PhD, L. Lechanteur , E. Baudoux MD, P. Zachée MD, PhD, H. Schouten , L. Noens MD, PhD, P. Lewalle MD, PhD, W. Schroyens MD, PhD, A. Ory , Y. Beguin MD, PhD
BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016
D. Selleslag MD, S. De Ruysscher , J. Patris , S. Vermeersch , J. Verstraete , P. Persyn , K. Herman , H. van Loon , L. Annemans
BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016
L. Knoops MD, PhD, G. Verhoef MD, PhD, Z. Berneman MD, PhD, D. Selleslag MD, N. Straetmans MD, PhD, L. Noens MD, PhD, P. Lewalle MD, PhD, M. André MD, PhD, D. Pranger MD, P. Zachée MD, PhD, E. Strobbe , L.J. McGarry , T. Devos MD, PhD
BJH - volume 6, issue 2, may 2015
S. Meers MD, PhD, D. Breems MD, PhD, G. Bries MD, PhD, M. Delforge MD, PhD, C. Graux MD, PhD, D. Selleslag MD, L. Noens MD, PhD
The guidelines on the current state-of-the-art in the diagnosis and treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes of the Belgian Hematological Society working group on myelodysplastic syndromes were published in 2013.1 The key points of these guidelines are presented in two issues of the Belgian Journal of Hematology. In this paper we present the optimal treatment of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes within the current limitations of Belgian reimbursement modalities.
(BELG J HEMATOL 2015;6(2):54–60)
Read moreBJH - volume 6, issue 1, march 2015
S. Meers MD, PhD, D. Breems MD, PhD, G. Bries MD, PhD, M. Delforge MD, PhD, C. Graux MD, PhD, D. Selleslag MD, L. Noens MD, PhD
The Belgian Hematological Society working group on myelodysplastic syndromes published their guidelines on the state of the art in diagnosis and treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes and the key points of these recommendations are presented in two issues of the Belgian Journal of Hematology.1 In this first paper we present the requirements for a correct diagnosis and classification of patients with myelodysplasia.
(BELG J HEMATOL 2015;6(1):10–5)
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