K. Callebaut MPharm, L. Deleu MD, D. Deeren MD, E. Verhoye MPharm , I. Van Haute MD
The bone marrow of a 69-year-old female patient, post-allogeneic stem cell transplantation, exhibited extensive hemophagocytosis in follow up. The extent of hemophagocytosis prompted investigation for hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). While the diagnosis was not straightforward, clinical and biochemical features were consistent with HLH, and in this case more specific with post-transplantation HLH, a rare form of secondary HLH.
B. Van Aelst PhD, J. Coene MD, H.B. Feys PhD, M.P. Emonds MD, PhD, K. Van Poucke MD, J. Moerman MD, E. Verhoye MPharm , Prof V. Compernolle PhD
We report three cases of massive ex vivo coagulation in a leukocyte depleted red cell concentrate during transfusion. Molecular blood typing indicated that patient blood was present in the filter housing of the infusion set and/or in the blood bag itself. Together with the history of events, this suggested that the observed clotting was caused by backflow of patient blood. Therefore, we recommend maintaining the blood bag above heart level during the entire transfusion procedure, until the infusion set is removed.