BJH - volume 5, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2014
F. Nollet PhD, MSc, K. Boon , J. Emmerechts MD, PhD, S. Vermeire , R. D’Hondt , A. Van Hoof MD, PhD, D. Selleslag MD, J. Van Droogenbroeck MD, T. Lodewyck MD, J. Billiet MD
S. Drieghe PharmD, B. Cauwelier MD, PhD, T. Lodewyck MD, D. Selleslag MD, J. Van Droogenbroeck MD, A. Van Hoof MD, PhD, J. Van Huysse MD, J. Billiet MD
Intravascular lymphoma is a rare haematological malignancy characterised by neoplastic proliferation of lymphoid cells particularly within the lumina of capillaries, heterogeneity in clinical presentation, disseminated disease with aggressive behaviour and often fatal course. In the present case report, we describe four cases of intravascular lymphoma diagnosed in a single centre over a period of ten years.