
Assessment of sensitivity for coagulation factor deficiency in routine coagulation tests

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2015

E. Dumoulin PharmD, L. Fiers , K. Devreese

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Clotting time or Rosner index for mixing test interpretation makes a difference in the overall lupus anticoagulant test result

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2015

B. Depreter PhD, PharmD, K. Devreese

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Comparison of point-of-care instruments I-STAT, ACTPlus and Hemochron Signature Plus for measurement of activated clotting time (ACT)

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2015

S. Vandendriessche , H. Laverge , K. Devreese

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P4.11 Influence of platelet clumps on platelet function analyzer (PFA)-200® testing

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2015

S. Mulliez , G. Hallaert , D. van Roost , A. Vantilborgh , K. Devreese

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A-108 Belgian multicenter study into von Willebrand Disease (B-Will Study): First results

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

I. Vangenechten , K. Jochmans MD, PhD, P. Péters , K. Devreese , C. Hermans MD, PhD, S. Motte , A. Gadisseur MD, PhD

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A-126 Evaluation of a rapid lateral flow immunoassay (STic Expert® HIT) in Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

L. De Cooman , K. Devreese

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A-116 Influence of platelet count in platelet rich plasma for adenosine triphosphate release assay

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

S. Mulliez , K. Devreese

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