BJH - volume 5, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2014
A. De Cuyper , R. Galot , A. Ferrant , D. Latinne , L. Knoops MD, PhD, L. Michaux MD, PhD, V. Havelange MD, PhD, M.C. Vekemans MD, C. Lambert MD, PhD, E. Van den Neste MD, PhD, X. Poiré MD, PhD
T. Devos MD, PhD, N. Straetmans MD, PhD, C. Schuermans MD, S. Benghiat MD, PhD, V. Robin MD, P. Lewalle MD, PhD, P. Mineur MD, G. Verhoef MD, PhD, L. Knoops MD, PhD
Diagnostic and management guidelines for myelofibrosis patients are presented in this paper. As a consequence of the rapid evolution and progress in this domain over the last years, the need was felt by the BHS MPN subcommittee to update these guidelines for our country. The different prognostic scores in myelofibrosis, the diagnostic tools and treatment options with the focus on new possibilities are discussed.
F. Van Obbergh MD, C. Lambert MD, PhD, O. Ciccarelli , C. Dangoisse , C. Sempoux , L. Knoops MD, PhD, A. Ferrant , L. Michaux MD, PhD, M.C. Vekemans MD