The chimeric monoclonal IgG1 antibody directed to CD20 Rituximab is used to treat various haematological malignancies and auto-immune diseases. Serum sickness is a type III hypersensitivity reaction leading to the formation and tissue deposition of immune antibody-antigen complexes. It has been described as a very rare complication of Rituximab treatment, mainly seen in patients treated for auto-immune diseases. We report the case of a patient with Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia whose Rituximab treatment was complicated by documented immune complex deposition or serum sickness. We successfully applied a Rituximab desensitisation protocol, which allowed us to complete treatment.
This article will summarize the key results presented at ASH 2018 in the field of essential thrombocytopenia, polycythemia vera, myelofibrosis and rare myeproliferative neoplasms. In addition to this several interesting abstracts in the field of chronic myeloid leukemia are addressed (a more complete overview of CML highlights is given in another article in this BJH special).
BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016
N.C. Granacher MD, L. Rutsaert MD, Z. Berneman MD, PhD, W. Schroyens MD, PhD, L. Lammertijn , A. Van De Velde MD, PhD, A. Verlinden MD, PhD, A. Gadisseur MD, PhD