BJH - volume 16, issue 2, april 2025
B. Heyrman MD, S. Meers MD, S. Sid MD, K. Van Eygen MD, N. De Beule MD, PhD, M. Clauwaert MD, H. Maes MD, A. Salembier MD, J. Lemmens MD, A. Van De Velde MD, PhD, D. Selleslag MD, J. Bouziotis Msc, N. Put MD, A. De Becker MD, PhD
This report on the real life use of luspatercept in Belgium, describes data of 77 patients. In the response analysis, 65.8% showed a response to treatment, including 35.4% that reached transfusion independency for a minimum of eight weeks. In the responding group, the duration of treatment was at least 38 weeks in 75% of patients. Reasons to stop treatment were adverse event (16,3%), death (23,3%), no response (34,9%) and disease progression (25,6%). One patient stopped treatment due to pronounced fatigue although having an erythroid response. These data confirm the efficacy of luspatercept and the need for real-life data on quality of life.
(BELG J HEMATOL 2025;16(2):65–9)
Read moreBJH - volume 14, issue 2, march 2023
I. Moors MD, D. Deeren MD, C. Jacquy MD, PhD, A. Jaspers MD, PhD, T. Kerre MD, PhD, V. Havelange MD, PhD, D. Selleslag MD, C. Spilleboudt MD, N. Straetmans MD, PhD, F. Van Obbergh MD, A. De Voeght MD, S. Anguille MD, PhD, A. Schauwvlieghe MD, PhD, N. De Beule MD, PhD, A. De Becker MD, PhD, D. Breems MD, PhD
Acute myeloid leukaemia is an aggressive form of bone marrow cancer with poor prognosis, especially in elderly, unfit patients. The VIALE-A study showed an impressive improvement in complete remission rate and overall survival with the addition of venetoclax, a BCL-2 inhibitor, to azacitidine. This combination therapy is now reimbursed in Belgium for newly diagnosed adult AML patients who are considered unfit for intensive chemotherapy based on age and/or comorbidities. In this article, we provide recommendations on the use of this new combination, as well as on prophylaxis and management of specific side effects.
(BELG J HEMATOL 2023;14(2):59–66)
Read moreBJH - volume 11, issue 3, may 2020
N. De Beule MD, PhD, R. Schots MD, PhD, A. De Becker MD, PhD
Acquired or immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP) is a life-threatening auto-immune disorder caused by a functional deficiency of the von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease ADAMTS13, leading to thrombotic microangiopathy. The introduction of plasma-exchange has reduced mortality from over 90% to 10–20%. However, over the last two decades the treatment outcomes have not changed substantially. Caplacizumab, a humanised nanobody directed to the A1 domain of VWF, inhibits this lethal thrombotic cascade and is therefore essential for symptom control and prevention of irreversible end-organ damage. Both TITAN and HERCULES trials demonstrated that treatment with caplacizumab significantly reduced mean duration of hospitalisation and number of days of plasma-exchange. Moreover, no deaths were observed in caplacizumab-treated patients. Therefore, we can state that caplacizumab has changed the treatment paradigm of aTTP.
(BELG J HEMATOL 2020;11(3):120–7)
Read moreBJH - volume 11, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2020
N. Vandewalle , P. Vlummens MD, N. De Beule MD, PhD, S. Faict , I. Oudaert , dr. K. Maes , E. De Bruyne , E. Menu , K. Vanderkerken PhD, K. De Veirman
BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016
N. De Beule MD, PhD, K. De Veirman , dr. K. Maes , E. De Bruyne , E. Menu , R. Schots MD, PhD, K. Vanderkerken PhD, E. Van Valckenborgh PhD
BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2015
K. De Veirman , J. van Ginderachter , N. De Beule MD, PhD, S. Lub , A. Maes , E. De Bruyne , E. Menu , I. Van Riet PhD, K. Vanderkerken PhD, E. Van Valckenborgh PhD
BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013
N. De Beule MD, PhD, K. Fostier MD, A. De Becker MD, PhD, C. Caron , F. Trullemans , R. Schots MD, PhD