
Functional assessment of haemophilic arthropathy with three-dimensional gait analysis

BJH - volume 4, issue 2, june 2013

S. Lobet PhD, C. Hermans MD, PhD


In patients with haemophilia, the long-term consequences of repeated haemarthrosis include joint cartilage damage and irreversible chronic arthropathy, resulting in severe impairments in locomotion. Quantifying the extent of joint damage is of paramount importance in order to prevent disease progression and compare the efficacy of treatment strategies, such as prophylaxis. Here we summarise the results of several studies establishing three-dimensional gait analysis as an innovative approach to evaluate functionally haemophilic arthropathy. This work also provides new insights into the understanding of the biome-chanical consequences of haemophilic arthropathy.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2013;4(2):72–76)

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