
P2.07 Characterization of a novel innate CD8+ T cell lineage generated in human thymus

BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016

G. Verstichel , G. Goetgeluk , L. Martens , T. Taghon , G. Leclercq , T. Kerre MD, PhD, Y. Saeys , B. Vandekerckhove MD, PhD

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P4.13 CMYB expression during in vitro hematopoiesis from human embryonic stem cells

BJH - volume 5, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2014

S. Vanhee , K. De Mulder , Y. Van Caeneghem , S. Taveirne , N. Van Roy PhD, B. Menten , S. Bonte PhD, G. Verstichel , G. Goetgeluk , M. Dullaers , J. Philippé MD, PhD, T. Taghon , G. Leclercq , T. Kerre MD, PhD, B. Vandekerckhove MD, PhD

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P.03 Extending the functional redundant cooperative miRNA tumour suppressor and oncogene network in T-ALL

BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013

E. Mets , G. van Peer , J. Van der Meulen , P. Mestdagh , T. Taghon , D. Avran , Y Benoit MD, PhD, B. Poppe , J. Soulier , P. Van Vlierberghe PhD, P. Rondou , J. Vandesompele , F. Speleman PhD

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