
The 6 International Conference on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Issues in Cancer (ICTHIC)

BJH - volume 3, issue 3, september 2012

J-F. Baurain MD, PhD, W. Lybaert MD


It has become a tradition to hold the biennial International Conference on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Issues in Cancer (ICTHIC) in Bergamo. Bergamo is a quiet town in Northern Italy located on a hilltop beyond the Alps. Over 700 physicians with different backgrounds but the same interest attended the meeting this year from April 20th to April 22nd. The meeting provides a unique opportunity for reviewing the different molecular and clinical findings on thrombosis and hemostasis issues in cancer and for updating the guidelines on prophylaxis and treatment of Venous Thrombo-Embolic Events (VTE) in cancer patients. This congress report covers several key topics: duration of prophylaxis in cancer patients undergoing surgery, prevention in medical cancer patients, type and duration of VTE treatment in cancer patients, place of the newer anti-thrombotic agents in cancer patients and survival advantage of Low-Weight Molecular Heparins (LWMH).

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2012;6:114–117)

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