P.45 Development of a knowledge test on Immuno-T, a motion comic explaining immunotherapy to patients and their caregivers

BJH - volume 11, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2020

W. Vandemoortele , G. Vanbutsele , M. Valcke , T. Kerre MD, PhD

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P.46 Hepatitis E management in allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) recipients: a case report

BJH - volume 11, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2020

G. Crochet MD, M. Bourgeois , E. Collinge MD, H. Vellemans MD, M. André MD, PhD, A. Sonet MD, C. Graux MD, PhD

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PP.01 The role of the de novo DNA methyltransferase DNMT3B in multiple myeloma cell survival and drug resistance

BJH - volume 11, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2020

C. Muylaert , E. De Bruyne , P. Vlummens MD, dr. K. Maes , K. De Veirman , E. Menu , K. Vanderkerken PhD

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PP.02 Mild Cognitive Impairment, Hypoalbuminemia, High Crp And Gi Co-Morbidities: A Frailty Score That Identifies Older Patients With Malignant Hemopathies Who Don’t Benefit From Chemotherapy

BJH - volume 11, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2020

Vincent Thibaud , Fulvio Massaro , Adriano Salaroli , Chloe Spilleboudt , Marie Vercruyssen , Laurence Deneve , Cindy Kenis , Hans Wildiers , Thierry Pepersack , Thierry Lamy de la Chapelle , Dominique Bron

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PP.03 Shallow whole-genome sequencing of cell-free DNA for B-cell lymphoma diagnosis and disease monitoring: a standardized approach with underappreciated potential

BJH - volume 11, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2020

Lennart Raman , Malaïka Van Der Linden , Ciel De Vriendt , Bliede Van Den Broeck , Kristoff Muylle , Dries Deeren , Kathleen Claes , Björn Menten , Fritz Offner , Jo Van Dorpe

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PP.03.2 Improvement of antibody-induced cell death in multiple myeloma

BJH - volume 11, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2020

M. Lejeune , E. Duray , C. Zhang , S. Dubois , Y. Beguin MD, PhD, W. Wels , J. Caers MD, PhD

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PP.04 Loss of the tumor suppressor RASSF4 is associated with aggressive disease and poor outcome in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma

BJH - volume 11, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2020

Michiel De Coster , Elke De Bruyne , Philip Vlummens , Ken Maes , Kim De Veirman , Eline Menu , Karin Vanderkerken

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