P.27 Invariant Natural Killer T cells in the 5T33 multiple myeloma model

BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013

H. Nur , K. Fostier MD, S. Aspeslagh , W. Renmans , E. Bertrand , X. Leleu , K. Breckpot , R. Schots MD, PhD, M. De Waele , E. Van Valckenborgh PhD, E. De Bruyne , T. Facon , D. Elewaut , K. Vanderkerken PhD, E. Menu

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P.28 The IGF-1 receptor inhibitor picropodophyllin (PPP) potentiates the anti-myeloma effects of the BH3 mimetic ABT-737

BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013

L. Bieghs , E. Van Valckenborgh PhD, E. Menu , M.T. Overgaard , M. Nyegaard , H. Johnsen , O. Larsson , H. Jernberg-Wiklund , K. Vanderkerken PhD, E. De Bruyne

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P.29 The multifaceted GATA2 gene in inherited myeloid malignancies: about a Belgian family

BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013

H. Antoine-Poirel MD, PhD, M. Pasquet , C. Bellané-Chantelot , S. Tavitian , N. Prade , B. Beaupain , O. la Rochelle , A. Petit , P. Rohrlich , F. Ferrand , E. Van den Neste MD, PhD, H.L. Phuoc Nguyen , M. Vikkula , T. Lamy , M. Ouachée , V. Mansat-de Mas , J. Corre , C. Récher , G. Plat , F. Bachelerie , J. Donadieu , E. Delabesse

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P.30 Acute myeloid leukaemia infiltrating-T lymphocyte characterization

BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013

R. Rouas , M. Berehab , N. Naamane , P. Lewalle MD, PhD, D. Moussa-Agha , M. Merimi , P. Martiat MD, PhD

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P.31 Study of the miRNome of childhood myelodysplastic syndrome

BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013

H.H. Helsmoortel , T. Lammens PhD, N. Van Roy PhD, A. Uyttebroeck MD, PhD, A. Ferster MD, PhD, Y Benoit MD, PhD, F. Speleman PhD, B. De Moerloose MD, PhD

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P.32 The generation and activation of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Multiple Myeloma

BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013

K. De Veirman , E. De Bruyne , E. Menu , I. Van Riet PhD, K. Vanderkerken PhD, E. Van Valckenborgh PhD

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P.33 Hematological and molecular responses in a case of refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis (RARS-T) treated by Lenalidomide

BJH - 2013, issue BHS Abstractbook, january 2013

K. Hafraoui , J. Caers MD, PhD, F. Tassin MD, PhD, Y. Beguin MD, PhD

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