O.6 Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells for poor graft function after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation – a multicenter prospective study

BJH - volume 11, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2020

S. Servais MD, PhD, prof. F. Baron , C. Lechanteur PhD, E. Baudoux MD, A. Briquet PhD, D. Selleslag MD, J. Maertens MD, PhD, X. Poiré MD, PhD, W. Schroyens MD, PhD, C. Graux MD, PhD, A. De Becker MD, R. Schots MD, PhD, P. Zachée MD, PhD, A. Ory , J. Herman , T. Kerre MD, PhD, Y. Beguin MD, PhD

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01 A pilot study to assess the feasibility of unrelated umbilical cord blood transplantation with coinfusion of third-party mesenchymal stromal cells after myeloablative or non-myeloablative conditioning in patients with haematological malignancies

BJH - volume 10, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2019

A. De Becker MD, R. Schots MD, PhD, T. Kerre MD, PhD, D. Mazure MD, J. Maertens MD, PhD, E. Baudoux , C. Lechanteur , Y. Beguin MD, PhD

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02 Unravelling the landscape of copy number aberrations in Hodgkin Lymphoma: a joint KU Leuven and Lysa study on circulating cell-free dna

BJH - volume 10, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2019

J. Finalet Ferreiro , T. Tousseyn MD, PhD, O. Gheysens MD, PhD, G. Verhoef MD, PhD, M. André MD, PhD, P. Vandenberghe MD, PhD, L. Buedts PhD, L.M. Fornecker , J. Lazarovici , R. Casasnovas , C. Copie , L. Marcelis MD, PhD

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03 Renal allograft function following treatment of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

BJH - volume 10, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2019

F. Gelders , A. Laenen , A.A. Herelixka , B. Sprangers MD, PhD, D. Dierickx MD, PhD

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06 Erythropoietin modulates red blood cells elimination

BJH - volume 10, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2019

No authors

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