P59 Automatic clustering of cell populations characterized by immunophenotyping

BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017

C. Gosset , J. Foguenne , M. Simul , A. Keutgens MD, PhD, F. Tassin MD, PhD, A. Gothot MD, PhD

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P60 A rare case of ‘Thrombocytosis’

BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017

F.M. Maerevoet , M. Elouaaliti , A. Cantinieaux , M. Spilleboudt , M. Vercruyssen MD, D. Bron MD, PhD, N. Meuleman MD, PhD

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P61 A deadly sore throat: acquired-TTP or Clindamycin induced thrombotic microangiopathy

BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017

A. Papaleo , M. Libertalis

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P62 Absence of fragmented red cells (FRC) measured on Sysmex XN® could be useful to exclude FRC presence on blood smears

BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017

V.T.P. Nguyen , H. Kandet , R. Li , B. Cantinieaux

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P63 Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma: report of a case and review of the literature

BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017

V. Galle MD, S. Verbeke , W. Ceelen , I. Moors MD

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P64 Hemolytic anemia in a progressive breast cancer: think about thrombotic microangiopathy and treat the cancer

BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017

S. Bailly MD, M.C. Vekemans MD, B. Chatelain PharmD, M. André MD, PhD, T. Vander Borght , L. D’Hondt , L. Faugeras , G. Verstraete MD, J. Devreux , G. Di Prinzio , S. Lefevre

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P75 Implementation of Releasing Time to Care – the Productive Hematology Ward

BJH - volume 8, issue Abstract Book BHS, february 2017

E. Boon , H. Bolckmans , K. Bal , S. Slootmans , A. Van De Velde MD, PhD, A. Devos

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