P2.01 Evaluation of the Red Blood Cell Advanced Software Application on the CellaVision DM96

BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016

M. Criel , M. Godefroid , B. Deckers , H. Devos MD, B. Cauwelier MD, PhD, J. Emmerechts MD, PhD

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P2.02 Belgian consensus on the diagnosis and management of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016

dr. B. Devalet , N. Boeckx MD, PhD, B. Chatelain PharmD, C. Chatelain MD, D. Deeren MD, A. Gothot MD, PhD, S. Meers MD, PhD, T. Devos MD, PhD

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P2.03 Evaluation of the Red Blood Cell Advanced Software Application on the CellaVision DM96

BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016

M. Criel , M. Godefroid , B. Deckers , H. Devos MD, B. Cauwelier MD, PhD, J. Emmerechts MD, PhD

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P2.04 Application of a clot based assay to measure the procoagulant activity of stored allogeneic red blood cell concentrates

BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016

dr. B. Devalet , A. Wannez , N. Bailly , L. Alpan , D. Gheldof , J. Douxfils PhD, PharmD, V. Deneys , B. Bihin , B. Chatelain PharmD, J-M. Dogné PhD, PharmD, C. Chatelain MD, F. Mullier PhD, PharmD

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P2.05 Intravenous immunoglobulins as a preventive treatment of maternofoetal platelet alloimmunisation

BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016

A. Theis , C. Crespo Sanchez , L. Plawny MD

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P2.06 Salt but not glucocorticosteroïds enhances Th17 differentiation from naïve T cells in vitro

BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016

L. Delens , S. Servais MD, PhD, L. Vrancken , G. Ehx , G. Fransolet , M. Hannon , S. Dubois , C. Daulne , Y. Beguin MD, PhD, prof. F. Baron

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P2.07 Characterization of a novel innate CD8+ T cell lineage generated in human thymus

BJH - volume 7, issue Abstract Book BHS, january 2016

G. Verstichel , G. Goetgeluk , L. Martens , T. Taghon , G. Leclercq , T. Kerre MD, PhD, Y. Saeys , B. Vandekerckhove MD, PhD

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