Comparison of point-of-care instruments I-STAT, ACTPlus and Hemochron Signature Plus for measurement of activated clotting time (ACT)

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2015

S. Vandendriessche , H. Laverge , K. Devreese

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Endogenous plasmin levels control the development of acute episodes of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in mice

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2015

C. Tersteeg PhD, L. Deforche , F. Denorme , A. Gils , R. Lijnen , H. Deckmyn PhD, P.J. Declerck , H. Rottensteiner , S.F. De Meyer PhD, C. Maas , K. VanHoorelbeke PhD

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Dextran sulphate triggers platelet aggregation via direct activation of PEAR1

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2015

C. Vandenbriele MD, PhD, Y. Sun , M. Criel , K. Cludts , S. van Kerckhoven , B. Izzi , T. Vanassche MD, PhD, P. Verhamme MD, PhD, M.F. Hoylaerts

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ADAMTS13-induced destabilization of the von Willebrand factor A2 domain

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2015

L. Deforche , H.B. Feys PhD, K. De Ceunynck , A. Vandenbulcke , N. VanDePutte , E. Roose PhD, Y. Fujimura , K. Soejima , D.A. Lane , B.M. Luken , H. Deckmyn PhD, J.E. Sadler , S.F. De Meyer PhD, K. VanHoorelbeke PhD

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A mouse model for acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2015

L. Deforche , C. Tersteeg PhD, E. Roose PhD, A. Vandenbulcke , N. VanDePutte , E. De Cock , H. Rottensteiner , H. Deckmyn PhD, S.F. De Meyer PhD, K. VanHoorelbeke PhD

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Phosphorylation of platelet acetyl-CoA carboxylase is increased in human and mice atherosclerosis and could be an indicator of persistent thrombin generation

BJH - volume 6, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2015

S. Lepropre , S. Kautbally , M.-B. Onselaer , D. Vancraeynest , N. Barrile , L. Bertrand , J.-L. Vanoverschelde , C. Beauloye , S. Horman

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