A-103 Rivaroxaban for the treatment of consumptive coagulopathy associated with vascular malformations

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

C. Vandenbriele MD, PhD, T. Vanassche MD, PhD, M. Peetermans , P. Verhamme MD, PhD, K. Peerlinck MD, PhD

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A-126 Evaluation of a rapid lateral flow immunoassay (STic Expert® HIT) in Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

L. De Cooman , K. Devreese

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A-116 Influence of platelet count in platelet rich plasma for adenosine triphosphate release assay

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

S. Mulliez , K. Devreese

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A-105 PEAR1: a novel link between IgE-mediated allergy and cardiovascular disease

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

Y. Sun , C. Vandenbriele MD, PhD, A. Kauskot , P. Verhamme MD, PhD, M.F. Hoylaerts , G.J. Wright

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A-122 ‘Sleeping Beauty’-mediated gene transfer of ADAMTS13 prevents the onset of TTP-like symptoms in ADAMTS13-deficient mice

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

S. Verhenne , N. VanDePutte , I. Pareyn , Z. Izsvák , H. Rottensteiner , H. Deckmyn PhD, S.F. De Meyer PhD, K. VanHoorelbeke PhD

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A-114 von Willebrand factor-binding protein exhibits a dual role in bacterial adhesion to the vessel wall

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

J. Claes , T. Vanassche MD, PhD, M. Peetermans , L. Liesenborghs , C. Vandenbriele MD, PhD, K. VanHoorelbeke PhD, D. Missiakas , O. Schneewind , M.F. Hoylaerts , R. Heying , P. Verhamme MD, PhD

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A-112 Causes of ‘Gray platelets’: from genetic studies of inherited thrombocytopenia to functional studies

BJH - 2014, issue Abstract Book BSTH, november 2014

A. Wijgaerts , M.-C. Wittevrongel , T. Devos MD, PhD, M. Tijssen , K. Peerlinck MD, PhD, C. Van Geet MD, PhD, K. Freson PhD

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