Coombs-negative haemolysis in hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma

BJH - volume 13, issue 8, december 2022

R.L. van der Horst MD, R.L. Römers MD, F. Stifft MD, R.J. Martens MD, M.P. Leers MD, R.J. van Kampen MD


We present to you a Coombs-negative haemolytic anaemia in a patient with a hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTL). The underlying mechanism was considered to be due to the massive hypersplenism or a Coombs negative immune-mediated direct cytotoxic mechanism, which has been previously described in patients with HSTL. Our patient was treated with cytostatic therapy consisting of dexamethasone, cytarabin and cisplatin (DHAP), followed by allogenic stem cell transplantation, after which complete remission was achieved.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2022;13(8):316–20)

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Complete response of Sweet syndrome associated with myelodysplastic syndrome to 5-azacytidine

BJH - volume 12, issue 4, june 2021

T. Van hunsel MD, N. Granacher MD


Sweet syndrome (SS), known as acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis, is an inflammatory disorder characterised by the abrupt appearance of painful, oedematous and erythematous skin lesions. It is a relatively rare phenomenon, with unknown pathogenesis but is often associated with haematological malignancies. We present the case of a 74-year old patient with low risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) (IPSS-R of three) who suffered from Sweet syndrome complicated by inflammatory ischemic events and weight loss. The patient was treated for his underlying MDS with 5-azacytidine (Vidaza) (samples obtained from Celgene) after failure of other commercially available therapies for SS. His signs and symptoms resolved in a few months and his quality of life significantly improved over time.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2021;12(4):169-72)

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Intracranial myeloid sarcoma as rare presentation of BCR-ABL-positive acute myeloid leukaemia: A case report

BJH - volume 12, issue 4, june 2021

R. Dewaide MD, R. Van Dijck MD, I. Vrelust MD


Introduction: BCR-ABL positive acute myeloid leukaemia is recognised as a provisional entity in the WHO 2016 classification for AML and related precursor neoplasms. Myeloid sarcoma is an extramedullary accumulation of immature myeloid cells, intracranial occurrence is rare.

Case report: A 40-year old male presented with an intracranial mass and peripheral blood blastosis of 65%. A diagnosis of acute myeloid leukaemia with intracranial myeloid sarcoma was presumed, requiring urgent cranial decompression. The patient received standard AML induction therapy with daunorubicine and cytarabine. Molecular analysis surprisingly revealed BCR-ABL positivity.

Discussion: BCR-ABL positive AML is a rare entity and needs to be differentiated from CML in blast crisis because of therapeutic consequences. In our case, clinical and molecular features suggested a diagnosis of AML.

Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of intracranial myeloid sarcoma as a concurrent presentation of BCR-ABL-positive acute myeloid leukaemia.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2021;12(4):165-8)

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Pleuropericardial effusion in CLL patients treated with ibrutinib: a causal relationship?

BJH - volume 12, issue 3, may 2021

A-S. Vander Mijnsbrugge MD, D. Wijsmans MD, V. Maertens MD


Ibrutinib is an inhibitor of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase used in the treatment of different B-cell malignancies. We describe a case of an 82-year-old woman with known chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) treated with ibrutinib who presented to the medical department with a symptomatic pericardial and pleural effusion. Extensive investigations were performed to rule out the most common aetiologies. Diagnosis of pleuro-pericardial effusion as an infrequently reported adverse effect of ibrutinib was made. Signs, symptoms, echocardiographic and radiographic abnormalities resolved steadily with anti-inflammatory therapy, pericardiocentesis, various thoracenteses and eventually surgical pleurodesis. Therapy with ibrutinib was definitively interrupted. A similar case of an 88-year-old male patient with stage IV mantle cell lymphoma was seen a few months later. These two cases suggest a causal relationship between therapy with ibrutinib and the onset of a symptomatic pleuropericardial effusion.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2020;12(3):132-7)

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Managing complement deficiencies: Not as complex as it seems

BJH - 2021, issue 2, march 2021

S. Kluijfhout MD, P. Stordeur PhD, M. van den Akker MD, S. Ryckx MD, J. van der Werff ten Bosch MD, PhD


We describe two young children with pneumococcal meningitis, one of them with a complement deficiency. Our aim is to illustrate the importance of testing the complement system in young patients with severe bacterial infections and to stress the importance to respect pre-analytical conditions. We found in a child of consanguineous parents a complement factor I deficiency, which is associated with severe recurrent pyogenic infections mainly caused by Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. We conclude that complement deficiencies are rare but immunological workup should be done in case of recurrent bacterial infections. Patients need follow up, antibiotic prophylaxis and additional vaccinations.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2020;12(2):85-9)

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Long-term treatment-free molecular remission in a FIP1L1-PDGFRA positive myeloid/lymphoid neoplasm with eosinophilia after Imatinib discontinuation

BJH - volume 11, issue 7, november 2020

D. Papazoglou MD, A. Salaroli MD, P. Heimann MD, PhD, P. Lewalle MD, PhD, D. Bron MD, PhD


A 47-year-old patient was diagnosed with FIP1L1-PDGFRA-positive myeloid/lymphoid neoplasm with eosinophilia (F/P+ MLN-eo) and was successfully treated with Imatinib, achieving a sustained molecular treatment free remission (TFR) persisting three years after discontinuation.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2020;11(7):320-4)

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Rhabdomyosarcoma mimicking acute leukaemia diagnosed on bone marrow

BJH - volume 11, issue 7, november 2020

J. Deuson MD, C. Motet MD, L. Delval MD, A-L. Trepant MD, J. Brauner MD


A 65-year-old woman presented with thrombocytopenia. A bone marrow biopsy was done and showed a cellular bone marrow infiltration by 94% of blast-like cells making the diagnosis of acute leukaemia. However, flow cytometry excluded hematological malignancy. After an extensive panel of immunohistochemical stains and genetic analysis, the diagnosis of metastatic alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma was made.

(BELG J HEMATOL 2020;11(7):317-9)

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