Théâtre de la Mode: that’s the name of a fundraising event that has been taking place since 2002, in several cities throughout Belgium. The aim is to raise money for the Belgian cancer foundation (Stichting tegen Kanker / Fondation contre le Cancer), and to the care of cancer patients in a local hospital.
In every city, the organizers invite around 70 businesses from the world of fashion, lifestyle, design, engineering and gastronomy to participate in a spectacular gala evening. Paying guests are treated to a display of fashion, art and design as well as delicious food and drink. It’s a prime networking event for the city it takes place in, and so far every single event has completely sold out.
Since the first edition in 2002, there have been 68 Théâtre de la Mode events, and money went to the Palliative Care network, the Belgian Alzheimer League, the fund for Children with Cancer, stem cell research at UZ Leuven, revalidation programs for ex-cancer patients and numerous breast clinics.
The next Théâtre de la Mode will take place on 20 March, in De Montil in Affligem. This fashion gala will raise funds for the Breast Clinic at the Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Ziekenhuis in Aalst.
The gala evening starts at 19.00 hours with drinks and bites, and at 20.00 hours the fashion extravaganza starts. After 22.00 hours there is a wonderful after party with live orchestra.
To obtain tickets and get more information, visit the WEBSITE of Théâtre de la Mode .